Where our model is to take individuals from Prison to Power.

Our Community Partners

Mental Health Counseling

Through our community partnership we delve into the social and environmental traumas that affect the community and facilitate programming designed to heal those affected.

Financial Literacy

We’ve joined forces with Chase Bank to break down the barriers that prevents undeserved communities from understanding the importance of finance and how it operates. We believe that one of the greatest obstacles to community empowerment is the lack of economic empowerment. Our partnership helps us solve this issue.

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Workforce Development

We’ve partnered with the Akron Urban League to provide the tools that will strengthen workforce participation in the community and promote entrepreneurship.

Our Mission



Our focus is to personalize success for each client by providing premiere services such as fully furnished housing, Mental Health Counseling, Recovery Services, Financial Literacy and Planning, to include WorkForce Development.

Prison Prevention

Facilitate programming that addresses issues such as, youth violence and expanding educational opportunities for at risk youth.

Learn More



Address the social and environmental traumas that are the foundation of the pipeline to prison.

Have the APA (Psychological American Association) Commission acknowledge the validity of Post Incarceration Syndrome

About Us

Non Stop Growth was founded by Marcel McDaniel. After serving a 19-year prison sentence, he successfully reintegrated back into society. Early in his transition process, he began teaching reentry classes to others who were also transitioning. Through this work, he identified key components that were missing in the reentry structure. Not only did he take note of the issues, but he also took action to resolve them. The goal was to ensure that others have access to proper resources and are able to thrive after the prison experience.

Freedom sign
Gold paper rectangle and shadow, banners, label

Contact us

Phone Number

(330) 222-8571



